
  • OOP Design Pattern - Creational Pattern
    프로그래밍 언어 2024. 1. 12. 17:49

    Abstract Factory

    Abstract Factory Pattern

    • An interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes
    • Provides way to create families of related objects without imposing their concrete classes
    • Encapsulating a group of individual factories that have a common theme without specifying their concrete classes
    • The client does not know which concrete objects it receives from each of factories, because of using only the generic interfaces of their product



    • Solves problem like:
      1. How can an application be independent of how its objects are created?
      2. How can a class be independent of how the objects that it requires are created?
      3. How can faimilies of related or dependent objects be created?
    • Describes how to solve such problems:
      1. Encapsulate object creation in a separate (factory) object by defining and implementing an interface for creating objects
      2. Delegate object creation to a factory object instead of creating objects directly

    Class UML of abstract factory pattern


    Caution to use pattern

    • May result in unnecessary complexity and extra work in the initial writing of code
    • Higher levels of seperation and abstraction can result in systems that  are more difficult to debug and maintain



    1. Create a concrete implementation of the abstract factory
    2. Uses the generic interface of the factory to create the concrete objects that are part of the family



    Example class hierarchy

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public abstract class AbsBossFactory
        public Boss CreateBoss()
            Boss t_boss = new Boss(){ monster = CreateMonster(), weapon = CreateWeapon() };
            return t_boss;
        public abstract Monster CreateMonster();
        public abstract Weapon CreateWeapon();
    public class BossFactory1 : AbsBossFactory
        public override Monster CreateMonster()
            Monster t_mosnter = new Goblin();
            return t_monster;
        public override Weapon CreateWeapon()
            Weapon t_weapon = new Sword();
            return t_weapon;
    public class BossSpawner : Monobehaviour
        private void Start()
            AbsBossFactory t_bossFactory = new BossFactory1();
            Boss t_boss = t_bossFactory.CreateBoss();



    Builder Pattern

    • Provide a flexible solution to various object creation problems in OOP
    • Separate the contruction of a complex object from its representation
    • The same construction process can create different representations



    • Solves problem like:
      1. How can a class (the same construction process) create different representations of a complex object?
      2. How can a class that includes creating a complex object be simplified?
    • Describes how to solve such problems:
      1. Encapsulate creating and assembling the parts of a complex object in a separate Builder object
      2. A class delegates object creation to a Builder object instead of creating the objects directly

    Class UML of builder pattern


    Caution to use pattern

    • Benefits
      1. Allow to vary a product's internal representation
      2. Encapsulate code for construction and representation
      3. Provide control over steps of contruction process
    • Drawbacks
      1. A distinct concrete builder must be created for each type of product
      2. Builder classes must be mutable
      3. May hamper / complicate dependency injection



    public class Bicycle // Represents a product created by the builder
        public string make;
        public string model;
        public int height;
        public string colour;
        public Bicycle(string p_make, string p_model, int p_height, string p_colour)
            make = p_make;
            model = p_model;
            height = p_height;
            colour = p_colour;
    public interface IBicycleBuilder // The builder abstraction
        int height;
        string colour;
        Bicycle GetResult();
    public class GTBuilder : IBicycleBuilder // Concrete builder implementation
        public int height;
        public string colour;
        public Bicycle GetResult()
            return height == 29 ? new Bicycle("GT", "Avalanche", height, colour) : null;
    public class MountainBikeBuildDirector // director
        private IBicycleBuilder builder;
        public MountainBikeBuildDirector(IBicycleBuilder p_builder) 
            builder = p_builder; 
        public void Construct()
            builder.height = 29;
            builder.colour = "Red";
        public Bicycle GetResult() { return this.builder.GetResult(); }
    public class Client
        public void DoSomethingWithBicycles()
            var t_director = new MountainBikeBuildDirector(new GTBuilder());
            Bicycle t_bike = t_director.Construct().GetResult();


    Factory Method

    Factory Method Pattern

    • Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate
    • Uses factory methods to deal with the problem of creating objects without having to specify the exact class of the object will be created
    • Calls a factory method:
      1. Specified in an interface
      2. Implemented by child classes
      3. Implemented in a base class and optionally overriden by derived classes



    • Solves problem like:
      1. How can an object be created so that subclasses can redefine which class to instantiate?
      2. How can a class defer instantiation to subclasses?
    • Describes how to solve such problems:
      1. Define a separate operation (factory method) for creating an object
      2. Create an object by calling a factory method, not using a constructor

    Class UML of factory method pattern


    Caution to use pattern

    • May result in unnecessary complexity and extra work in the initial writing of code
    • Higher levels of seperation and abstraction can result in systems that are more difficult to debug and maintain



    Example class hierarchy

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public abstract class AbsMonsterFactory
        public abstract Monster CreateMonster(int p_type);
    public enum EGoblin { NONE = -1, RED, GREEN }
    public class GoblinFactory : AbsMonsterFactory
        public RedGoblin redGoblin;
        public GreenGoblin greenGoblin;
        public override Monster CreateMonster(int p_type)
            Monster t_monster = null;
            if(p_type.Equals((int)EGoblin.RED)) t_monster = Instantiate(redGoblin);
            else if(p_type.Equals((int)EGoblin.GREEN)) t_monster = Instantiate(greenGoblin);
            return t_monster;
    public class MonsterSpawner : Monobehaviour
        private void Start()
            AbsMonsterFactory t_goblinFactory = new GoblinFactory();
            Monster t_monster = t_goblinFactory.CreateMonster((int)EGoblin.GREEN);



    Prototype Pattern

    • Used when the type of objects to create is determined by a prototypical instance, which is cloned to produce new objects
    • Used to avoid subclasses of an object creator in the client application
    • Uses to avoid the inherent cost of creating a new object in the standard way (e.g., using the 'new' keyword) when it is prohibitively expensive for a given application



    • One of design patterns that describe how to make objects that are easier to implement, change, test, and reuse
    • Solves problem like:
      1. How can objects be created so that which objects to create can be specified at run-time?
      2. How can dynamically loaded classes be instantiated?
    • Describes how to solve such problems:
      1. Define a Prototype object that returns a copy of itsself
      2. Create new objects by copying a Prototype object
    • Not require subclassing, but require an "initialize" operation

    Class UML of prototyp pattern



    • Declares an abstract base class that specifies a pure virtual clone() method
    • Any class that needs a "polymorphic constructor" capability derives itself from the abstract base class, and implements the clone() operation
    • Instead of writing code that invokes the "new" operation,
      1. Calls the clone() method on the prototype
      2. Calls the factory method with a parameter designating the particular concrete derived class desired
      3. Invoke the clone() method through some mechanism provided by another design pattern



    public abstract class Foo // Normal implementation
        public abstract Foo Clone();
    public class ConcreteFoo1 : Foo
        public override Foo Clone()
            return (Foo)this.MemberwiseClone(); // Clones the concrete class
    public class ConcreteFoo2 : Foo
        public override Foo Clone()
            return (Foo)this.MemberwiseClone(); // Clones the concrete class



    Singleton Pattern

    • Restricts the instantiation of a class to a singular instance
    • Useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across a system
    • Allows object to:
      1. Ensure objects only have one instance
      2. Provide easy access to that instance
      3. Control their instantiation (e.g., hiding the constructors of a class)



    • Preferred to global variables, not pollute the global namespace (or their containing namespace)
    • Permit lazy allocation and initialization
    • Used as basis for other design pattern because only one facade object is required



    • Ensure that only one instance of the singleton class ever exists declaring all constructors of the class to be private, which prevents it from being instantiated by other objects
    • Typically provide global access to singleton instance providing a static method that returns a reference to the instance
    • Lazy Initialization


    Caution to use the pattern

    • A potential dependency on the singleton by other objects occuring increased coupling, introducing difficulties with unit testing
    • Violate the single-responsibility principle, responsible for enforcing their own uniqueness along with performing their normal functions



    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class SingletonMonobehaviour<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : Component
        private static T instance;
        public static T Instance
                if (instance == null)
                    instance = FindObjectOfType(typeof(T)) as T;
                    if (instance == null)
                        instance = new GameObject(typeof(T).Name, typeof(T)).GetComponent<T>();
                return instance;
        protected virtual void Awake()
            var t_objs = FindObjectsOfType<T>();
            if (t_objs.Length > 1)
            if (transform.parent != null) DontDestroyOnLoad(transform.root.gameObject);
            else DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject);


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