SynchronizationCS/OS 2024. 4. 21. 23:03
Race Condition Synchronization Solve problem causing by accessing to shared resources. Without synchronization, it lead to incorrect results, called race condition. A way to coordinate threads (or processes) that use shared resources or their execution for correctness. Goal of synchronization is ensuring correct operation of cooperating threads. Race Condition The result by threads accessing sha..
ThreadsCS/OS 2024. 4. 17. 15:44
Terminologies Concurrency (동시성 / 병행성) : the ability of two or more threads to execute in interleaving (overlapping) time periods and proceed at same time. Parallelism (병렬성) : the ability of two or more threads to execute in overlapping at same time. Porcess (Task) : the unit of resource ownership A compound entity (a set of threads + a collection of resource) Thread (Lightweight process) : The u..
Mesh RenderingCS/게임 프로그래밍 2024. 3. 31. 20:34
Mesh Transformations Theory World coordinate - scale matrix Uniform scale matrix : change the size only maintaining the shape of object. Non-uniform scale matrix : change the size and the shape of object. $$S \ = \ \begin{bmatrix} sx & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & sy & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & sz & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}$$ World coordinate - rotation matrix No commutative property : need attention to the ..
Multithreaded RenderingCS/게임 프로그래밍 2024. 3. 29. 15:11
Motivations for Multithreaded Rendering Resource Generation in Serial Execution Applications must generate all resources before entering the operations. Some resources are available only after additional processing of the original data. More complex applications may require more than enough resources to store in memory, so they are delayed due to having to read data from the hard disk during pro..
Process Scheduling 2CS/OS 2024. 3. 20. 14:36
Terminologies Burst (time) CPU burst : time it takes for CPU to execute an operation. I/O burst : time it takes for the CPU to wait for I/O. CPU-I/O burst cycle Each process execution consists of a cycle of CPU execution and I/O wait. Alternating CPU and I/O bursts. Processes can be described as I/O-bound process : I/O-intensive (CPU burst < I/O burst) CPU-bound process : CPU-intensive (CPU burs..
The Computation PipelineCS/게임 프로그래밍 2024. 3. 19. 21:46
Introduction DirectCompute A new processing paradigm that attempts to make the massively parallel computational power of the GPU. Available for tasks outside of the normal raster-based rendering domain. Can easily be used directly to supply input to rendering operations. Use the exact same resources that are used in rendering, so that it make interoperation between the rendering pipeline and Dir..
Process Scheduling 1CS/OS 2024. 3. 13. 17:44
Types of Process Scheduling Long-term scheduling (job scheduler) : determines which programs are admitted to the system for processing Medium-term scheduling (swapper) : the decision to add to the number of processes that are partially or fully in main memory Short-term scheduling (CPU scheduler) : the decision as to which available process will be executed by the processor I/O scheduling Schedu..
Process Description and ControlCS/OS 2024. 3. 6. 19:54
Terminologies : Program and Process Program vs Process Program : passive entity stored stored on disk (binary sequence) Process : active entity (execution sequence) Program becomes process when executable file loaded into memory Two essential elements of a process Program code A set of data associated with that code Process A program in execution The entity that can be assigned to and executed o..