
  • String Matching
    CS/알고리즘 2023. 11. 23. 15:33


    • Definition : A sequence of characters
    • $P$ : Patttern string of size $m$
    • Pattern Matching Problem : Given strings $T$ (text) and $P$ (pattern), find a substring of $T$ equal to $P$


    Brute-Force Algorithm

    • Compare the pattern $P$ with the text $T$ until either
      1. a match is found, or
      2. all placements of the pattern have been tried
    • Input : text $T$ of size $n$ and pattern $P$ of size $m$
    • Output : starting index or $-1$
    Algorithm BruteForceMatch(T, P)
    	for i = 0 to n - m // test shift i of the pattern
    		j = 0;
    		while j < m 
    			if T[i + j] = P[j]
    				j = j + 1;
    				break while loop // mismatch
    		if j = m
    			return i // match at i
    	return -1; // no match anywhere
    • Worst-case running time : $O(nm)$
    • Example of worst case
      • $T = aaa\cdots ah \ (a^nb)$, $P=aaah \ (a^{m-1}b)$
      • 알파벳 갯수가 적은 경우 주로 발생 (Images나 DNA sequences)
      • 알파벳 갯수가 많은 경우 잘 발생하지 않음 (English text)


    Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm

    • Compare the pattern to the text in left-to-right
    • Skip the comparision by the number of overlapping numbers
    • Failure function $F(j)$
      • Defined as the size of overlapping numbers
      • the largest prefix of $P[0...j]$ that is also a suffix of $P[0...j]$

    Compute the failure function
    Flow of the KMP algorithm

    Algorithm KMPMatch(T, P)
    	F = failureFunction(P);
    	i = 0;
    	j = 0;
    	while i < n
    		if T[i] = P[i]
    			if j = m - 1
    				return i - j; // match
    				i = i + 1;
    				j = j + 1;
    			if j > 0
    				j = F[j - 1];
    				i = i + 1;
    		return -1; // no match
    Algorithm failureFunction(P)
    	F[0] = 0;
    	i = 1;
    	j = 0;
    	while i < m
    		if P[i] = P[j] // we have matched j + 1 chars
    			F[i] = j + 1;
    			i = i + 1;
    			j = j + 1;
    		else if j > 0 // use failure function to shift P
    			j = F[j - 1];
    		else // no match
    			F[i] = 0;
    			i = i + 1;
    • Computing time of the failure function : $O(m)$
    • Running time of KMP's algorithm : $O(m + n)$ -> Optimal


    Boyer-Moore Algorithm

    • Boyer-Moore Heuristics
      1. Looking-glass heuristic : Compare moving backwards
      2. Character-jump (Bad-character) heuristic
        • When a mismatch occurs at $T[i] = c$
        • if $P$ contains $c$, shift $P$ to align the last occurrence of $c$ in $P$ with $T[i]$
        • else shift $P$ to align $P[0]$ with $T[i+1]$
    • Last-Occurrence Function $L(\delta )$
      • The largest index $i$ such that $P[i]=\delta or -1$ if no such index exists
      • Initialize all array as $-1$ and scan pattern

    Results of Last-Occurrence Function
    Flow of the Boyer-Moore algorithm

    Algorithm BoyerMooreMatch(T, P, Σ)
    	L = lastOccurenceFunction(P, Σ);
    	i = m - 1;
    	j = m - 1;
    	while i > n -1
    		if T[i] = P[j]
    			if j = 0
    				return i; // match at i
    				i = i - 1;
    				j = j - 1;
    		else // Character-jump
    			l = L[T[i]];
    			i = i + m - min(j, 1 + l);
    			j = m - 1;
    	return -1; // no match
    • Computing time of the last-occurrence function : $O(m+s)$
      • Scan a pattern $P$ : $O(m)$
      • Initialize a array $\sum$ with size $s$ : $O(s)$
    • Worst-case running time : $O(nm + s)$
    • Example of worst case
      • $T=aaa...a \ (a^n), P=baaa \ (ba^{m-1})$
      • 알파벳 갯수가 적은 경우 주로 발생 (Images or DNA sequences)
      • 알파벳 갯수가 많은 경우 잘 발생하지 않음 (English text)
    • Significantly faster than the Brute-Force algorithm on English text

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