Process Scheduling 1CS/OS 2024. 3. 13. 17:44
Types of Process Scheduling
- Long-term scheduling (job scheduler) : determines which programs are admitted to the system for processing
- Medium-term scheduling (swapper) : the decision to add to the number of processes that are partially or fully in main memory
- Short-term scheduling (CPU scheduler) : the decision as to which available process will be executed by the processor
- I/O scheduling
Scheduling Algorithms
Scheduling Algorithms
- Selection function : determines which process, among ready processes, is selected next for execution
- $w$ : time spent in system so far
- $e$ : time spent in execution so far
- $s$ : total service time required by the process (CPU burst time)
- Decision mode
- Non-preemptive
- Preemptive
First In, First Out; FIFO
- Selection Function : $Max[w]$ (가장 오래된 Process 선택)
- Decision mode : non-preemption
- Advantage : simplest scheduling policy
- Disadvantage
- Performs much better for long processess than short ones
- May suffer from the convoy effect (short process behind long process) -> Lower CPU utilization
Shortest Process Next; SPN
- Selection function : $Min[s]$ (CPU burst time; Service time이 최소인 Process 선택)
- Decision mode : preemption (Shortest Remaining Time) or non-preemption
- Advantage
- Optimal : gives minimum average waiting time
- Overall performance is significantly improved in terms of turnaround time
- Disadvantage
- Possibility of starvation for longer processes
- Impractical : need to estimate the length of the next CPU burst time
- use exponential averaging based on the length of previous CPU burst
Shortest Remaining Time; SRT
- A preemptive version of SPN (SFJ)
- Selection function : $Min[s \ - \ e]$
- Decision mode : preemption
- Advantage : give superior turnaround time performance to SPN
- Disadvantage
- Overhead can be high
- Starvation may be possible
Round Robin; RR
- When time quantum is expired, change process
- Selection function : constant, the next ready job is selected on a FCFS basis
- Decision mode : preemption
- The principle design issue is the length of the time quantum
Highest Response Ratio Next; HRRN
- Response ratio : the ratio of turnaround time to actual service time (CPU burst time) $$ R \ = \ (Turnaround \ time; \ Waiting \ time \ + \ CPU \ burst \ time) \ / \ CPU \ burst \ time$$
- Selection function : $Max[(q \ + \ s) \ / \ s]$
- Decision mode : non-preemption
- Advantage : $(1 \ + \ q \ / \ s)$, $q$가 클수록 높은 priority를 부여하여 starvation을 해결
- Disadvantage : 여전히 $s$를 사용함; The expected service time must be estimated
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